World Wide Cycling
The Marco Polo Cycling Club participated in this years Tour de China (July 27th-30th). Last year Dennis Hammink won two stages and got 3rd on G.C. Nathan Dahlberg who got 2nd on G.C. last year will at the same time be in the Qinghai Lake Tour in the west of China. For a report about the Qinghai Lake Tour click here: Qinghai Lake Tour.
Soon we will have a report with photos.
The following riders are on the team: Damir Iratov from Uzbekistan Rasmus Madsen from Denmark and Dutch riders; Dennis Hammink Ralf van Heugten Rene van Oord Rutger Kock
Team manager: Men van der Borgh
Ruud Schuitemaker, a Dutch filmer will follow the team as research for a documentary he is planning to produce in the near future.
Race program:
July 27th opening ceremony at the Tiananmen Square. The first stage will also start at the Tinananmen Square and will finish near the Great Wall after 185 KM
July 28th 2nd stage: 120 KM Circuit race
July 29th 3rd stage: 180 KM
July 30th 4th stage: 210 KM
The first stage of the Tour de China took place at the Tiananmin Square, this really unique a sports event at this famous square. At the background you can see the entrance of the Forbidden City (or Palace Museum) with the portrait of Mao on the wall. (Photographer: Ruud Schuitemaker)
Damir Iratov from Uzbekistan joined the team in China. Due to limited resources he could not join us in Europe this year, like he did last year. (Photographer: Ruud Schuitemaker)
The team at the Great Wall; from left to right; Damir Iratov, Anno Pedersen, Rutger Kock, Dennis Hammink, Ralf van Heugten and team manager Men van der Borgh, kneeling; Rene van Oord and Rasmus Madsen. (Photographer: Sabrina)
The team clockwise starting at 9 o'clock; team manager Men van der Borgh, soigneuse Sabrina, Dennis Hammink, Ralf van Heugten, Rasmus Madsen, Damir Iratov, Rene van Oord, Rutger Kock and Anno Pedersen. |