World Wide Cycling




Marco Polo Cycling Club


The start of the Hong Kong Cycle Classic 2004, with in the frontrow Olympic Champions: Scott McGrory and Brett Aitken and World Champions: David Millar, Bruno Risi and Franz Stocher. (Photo: Francis Cerny, Nikon Camera)


The race was in the center of Hong Kong, the start and finish were in front of the Expo Centre.


Photos, by Francis Cerny and Cor Vos:


Racing with the Hong Kong skyline as background.



The course went around the Expo Centre one of the famous landmarks of Hong Kong.


The peloton passing the high buildings of downtown Hong Kong, in the middle, David Millar.


Winner Masahiko Mifune in the jersey of the Marco Polo Cycling Club Hong Kong.


Masahiko Mifune winning the first Hong Kong Cycle Classic.


The Olympic and World Champions before the start of the race:


Click on the small pictures to see large photos.


Warming-up.         David Millar.          Franz Stocher.      Scott McGrory.


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Tim Wilson.    Dragon dance.      The Champions at the start.


The race:


After the first lap.


Oceania Champion, Chris Bradford pulling the frontgroup.


David Millar missed the break.


Kam Po Wong (at the right) also missed the break


Scott McGrory in the frontgroup.


David Millar gave up.


Bruno Risi.


Franz Stocher pulling the peloton.


After the race:


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Winner Masahiko Mifune giving an interview.


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Masahiko Mifune with the cup.


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The reception after the race at the Dutch consulate general residence.







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